Semi-topological functors III: Lifting of monads and adjoint functors


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منابع مشابه

Idempotent Monads and *-Functors

For an associative ring R, let P be an R-module with S = EndR(P). C. Menini and A. Orsatti posed the question of when the related functor HomR(P, −) (with left adjoint P ⊗S −) induces an equivalence between a subcategory of R M closed under factor modules and a subcategory of S M closed under submodules. They observed that this is precisely the case if the unit of the adjunction is an epimorphi...

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Strong Functors and Monoidal Monads

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Polynomial Functors and Polynomial Monads

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Shapely monads and analytic functors

In mathematics and computer science, we often encounter structures which are faithfully encoded by a graphical calculus of the following sort. The basic data of the structure are depicted as certain diagrams; the basic operations of the structure act by glueing together these diagrams along certain parts of their boundaries; and the axioms of the structure are just those necessary to ensure tha...

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Qf Functors and (co)monads

One reason for the universal interest in Frobenius algebras is that their characterisation can be formulated in arbitrary categories: a functor K : A → B between categories is Frobenius if there exists a functor G : B → A which is at the same time a right and left adjoint of K; a monad F on A is a Frobenius monad provided the forgetful functor AF → A is a Frobenius functor, where AF denotes the...

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra

سال: 1980

ISSN: 0022-4049

DOI: 10.1016/0022-4049(80)90035-3